As your season progresses, it is NORMAL to expect some attitude from some of your athletes. However, sometimes it may get heightened as High School Coach Renee recently said “…attitude has been out of control lately! I want to keep a positive atmosphere but the negativity toward my coaches and each other is affecting our overall performance and creating a dangerous atmosphere for stunting“.
Here are some solutions to help get your team back on a positive track and check out our article on How to Resolve Problems HERE:
- Above all, be FIRM and Do Not Waiver in your response NO MATTER WHAT. When your team knows that you are serious about have a positive atmosphere and that there are consequences, that should help from the start. Remember, you will earn the respect from your athletes when they know the rules and that you are truly in charge.
- If you have an athlete that is overly negative during a practice or activity, just send them home for that day. Negativity can spread to the other athletes on your team QUICKLY so it is best to stop it as soon as possible.
- Use extra conditioning like sit ups or running laps around your practice area. Some coaches love this solution and others are cautious of it as it sometimes correlates conditioning with a punishment.
- Suspend any stunting activities until things improve.
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